LANTA is in the midst of developing a regional plan to change and improve public transit in the Valley. Three public open house meetings were conducted to gather your suggestions, ideas and comments about what YOU want in your public transportation system:
The numbers of people attending were very good! We put RAIL ON THE RADAR. Some viewers of this blog were concerned that LANTA was completely fixated on only bus service. Do not despair. Our voices were essential in making them realize that the people are demanding a Unified Rail Service.
Pressure must be applied consistently and over time to succeed.
My name is Gregory Coates, i want you to know. i support this idea.
and will be at the next meeting in Allentown,
Yes, i want to see the Third Largest City in Pennsylvania have a rapid Commuter Train system.
Here's something interesting I learned on the LANTA website: they have a blog related to the planning process these public meetings are a part of:
I went to the open house at the Lehigh County courthouse and all they had was pictures of bus routes. I asked where I could offer my suggestions for rail and they told me that was not part of this meeting. Maybe in a couple of months they would have something for us to review about rail. I used the found time to check out the Liberty Bell museum. Nice exhibit.
Iv Rainmakers:
It is UP TO US to put RAIL on their RADAR. With few exceptions they have no vision. So we must exert the pressure to make this happen.
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